15 Reasons Why Being a Girl Is Amazing
time 4 minMonday | August 28, 2017

15 Reasons Why Being a Girl Is Amazing

We women may be prone to being moody and over thinking our relationships but Dubai Night believes there are many reasons why being a girl boss. Here are 15 reasons why being a girl is simply the best.
1. We do Better in Exams
Across the globe, girls often do better academically than the boys.
2. We Know How to Make The Most of Ourselves
With the power of makeup at our disposal, we girls can turn any bad day into a pretty one, with a touch of mascara and lippy. Plus we can ring the changes with our choice of makeup, feeling sultry? Slick on the red lipstick and dark eyeshadow. Want to look pretty as a picture; pink blusher with a pale pink lipstick looks a treat. Guys generally don’t wear makeup, so if they look bad, they don’t have any options.
3. We Can Multi-task
Not only do we land great jobs, but we bring up children, make our houses a home and can kick your ass at pool too.
4. We Smell Fabulous
We have the power of perfume on our side, so we can change our vibe with just one spray, depending on our mood.
5. Everything is Excused With PMS
We may get very moody once a month, but we can put the blame squarely on our hormones, not our attitude.
6. Pedicures and Manicures
We realise how the small things count by having a manicure or pedicure, as we sometimes want to look great from top to bottom.
7. We Can Rock a Hoodie and Pyjama Bottoms 
After a night on the town, we are professionals at rocking a big hoodie and jammie bottoms, while chillin’ with Netflix and a large pizza.
8. We Have Handbags to Transport All our Stuff
We can carry handbags like a Tardis, which look small, but expand to hold everything we need. Hairspray-check, lippy-check, breath mints, we got them.
9. We Kick Ass in Heels
High heels may hurt like hell at times, but isn’t it great being able to add inches to your height at a whim. Plus we know the secret of wedges, when we want height with comfort.
12. We are Wedding Belles
When any woman gets married, all eyes are on the bride. We get to choose the décor, colour scheme and pretty much everything else about our special day.
13. We Can Borrow Clothes From Our Boyfriends
Boyfriend jeans and shirts look great on girls, when we want to have that just got out of bed look.
14. We Can Cry at Will
If all else fails, break out the tears to get your guy doing exactly what you want, just make sure you are wearing smudge proof mascara.
15. We Never Have to Pay for Drinks
We can go for a girl’s night out and never have to go near the bar apart from to check out the cocktail menu.
Who runs the world? Girls run the world, check out further articles on the joys of being a girl at Dubai Night.



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