Canada : EDM on Fire
time 6 minTuesday | February 26, 2013

Canada : EDM on Fire

Heels and jacket slipped, Angie, our globetrotter is gone to the adventure of a big country where 'tabernacle', maple syrup, snow and large spaces called her ... it is Canada !

My nickname does not serve me only as decoration indeed, it is set to 'fouinasse' that I went to soak up the local atmosphere through extraordinary events, but I also integrated a team of Djs in touring.

We, the broads in Paris, when the thermometer approaches Zero, we dare not get a toe ... In Canada, you must remove 10 to 15 degrees more!

First stop : Montreal. I infiltrated the IGLOOFEST whose unique feature of this electronic music festival that proposes an urban outdoor winter program. Igloofest attracts thousands of music lovers from electronic dance under the stars at the Old Marina of Montreal. With its ice decor melting steel structures, its striking architectural scenography, programming drawing from the best local and international DJs, the igloo village and its famous contest "one piece", Igloofest is one of the hottest events in the city and the most prominent in Canada.
This year and for the seventh edition, Igloofest, it was 12 nights and frosty but so hot at the same time, the perfect time to put his most kitsch snow clothes.

An after the IGLOOFEST, it tempts you? I tested it for you! Mathieu Grondin (DJ Matteo Grondini) offers you the nocturne music festival Apr�s-Ski at Espace Griffintown. Used turntables during his evenings and Bureau & Disco Volant parties, Mathieu Grondin has seen in the closing of IGLOFFEST very early, a great opportunity to bring people warm. Unlike many other landmarks of dance music as DEM Detroit, IGLOOFEST has been until now no real 'afterparty'.

Advocating a "rejection of the superstar DJ", the aim of the festival evenings Apr�s-Ski, will showcase over Montreal.

"We wanted to take advantage of the critical mass of people who want to dance and show them what is happening at the local level"

As every year, during the Quebec Winter Carnival, held an event very curious called La D�gel�e! But how to describe La D�g�l�e, it is very complicated! All I can say is that we had the opportunity to move in crazy rhythms from GrandTheft, Misstress Barbara and Skratch Bastid. Each DJ has ignited the dance floor (which had more the appearance of ice) in his way. Big up to Skratch Bastid, who after launching a remix version of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, DJ left his booth heated to dance with the crowd.

February 1st, Canadians began to celebrate the first - and dripping fat - Week edition of Poutine MTL, under the Semaine de La Bouffe Montr�al Inc. What is Poutine? No, this is the Russian president but a typically Canadian food! Where Can I eat a fabulous Poutine? I decided to go to supperclub Globe on St. Laurent Street. The place is known for its festive evenings and super rich & fashionable people. Some brave persons are still gorged fries in sauce and dropping cheese!

So, jokes truce, after 3kg more, two toes less, it's time to go back to real life: the Adventure! For me is synonymous with adventure in a touring bus! When you read these lines, you have the right to hate me. When other, child, dream of being a firefighter, singer, teacher. My dream was to spend my life in a tour bus! In 2013, I realized my dream ... I had the chance to get involved in the daily life of DJs. My dream was also odors. Male odors, musty! I went through the cities of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

Photo by

The main activity was Djs to produce new tracks, prepare dj sets and the party. Many DJs have told me, the nightlife in Canada is highly regulated and its own rules. It is not for nothing that DJs around the world are there before the Winter Music Conference. It's one of the warmest countries in the world but with a huge knowledge of EDM. The crowd admires and appreciates each Djs pieces available! But better than DJs can talk??? Listen to them!

Big up to Matt for this epic touring pics : [email protected] and

If you are in Montreal on March 2, Bouge de l� is back! Under La Nuit Blanche in Montr�al, Musiqueplus will revive the issue of ashes and invite former animators, Varda �tienne and Abeille G�linas for this unique evening. The show will be held from 21am to 1pm. You are invited to visit the studio or watch this epic comeback and live streaming on

This is the perfect opportunity to dance on the greatest hits from the 80s to 2000! Dust removal your bellbottoms, platforms and your belly golden top, as Varda and Bee you expect from a walk Shut up! Don't forget to practice the best moves of your youth such as the robot and the moonwalk "walk like an egyptian." Come on, this is your last chance to look at this crazy issue, you're not going to miss it?

What Can I say more ? Canada is really magical and mystifying country!

Written by Angie Cadoret


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